Presentations now available - SIEM Conference 2015

Presentations from the Services for International Education Marketing Conference 2015 are now available via the links below.

Please note, the following presentations are not available:

  • English in Latin America: an examination of policy and priorities in seven countries
  • International students in STEM: a comparative study
  • Perspectives on TNE: postgraduate student views on their experience and community
  • Perspectives on TNE: UK boarding school branch campuses - do they add value to the UK?
  • The shape of global student mobility

Recordings of the plenary sessions can be accessed through the following links:

Welcome and Pete Jenkins Gamification -

Visas for Universities -

The Shape of Global Student Mobility -

Progressions of International Students -

MOOCs as an International Marketing Tool -

Looking to the Future Workshop -

Building International Education Strategies -

Global Economic Review, Robin Bew -

Closing Plenary -

Behind the statistics - demand for UK school education in East Asia.pdf1.39 MB
Behind the statistics - demand for UK school education in Europe.pdf627.25 KB
Building international education strategies for the future.pdf2.64 MB
Closing the global skills gap – opportunities for the UK.pdf285.04 KB
Developing and Marketing ESP Programmes for the European Market.pdf4.6 MB
Digital marketing in South Asia.pdf7.03 MB
Digital marketing - how to recruit ELT students.pdf3.67 MB
European vocational education partnerships.pdf3.43 MB
Gauging Thailand’s TNE demand and market potential in neighboring countries.pdf1.12 MB
Global Economic Review.pdf1.43 MB
Labour market trends in Europe and implications for student recruitment to the UK.pdf1.43 MB
Looking to the future workshop.pdf712.83 KB
MOOCs as an international marketing tool for higher education part 1.pdf2.16 MB
MOOCs as an international marketing tool for higher education part 2.pdf16.67 MB
New structures for mutual recognition of awards in the Americas – How the sector can respond to the new initiatives.pdf1.66 MB
New York, LA and the rest - mapping the creative industries in the USA and Canada.pdf2.68 MB
Opportunities for the ELT sector to increase their market share in the Gulf.pdf2.05 MB
Opportunities for the Health sector in Saudi Arabia.pdf1.54 MB
Opportunities in education for the oil and gas industry in Africa.pdf492.29 KB
Overcoming the data dearth - using data sources to develop schools marketing strategies.pdf1.6 MB
Practicalities of overseas delivery.pdf1.23 MB
Progressions of international students - a market within the UK.pdf721.72 KB
Setting the record straight - clarifying Indonesia’s TNE regulations and charting future opportunities.pdf3.13 MB
Subtle engagement and outright fun - using gamification to improve the effectiveness of your international marketing.pdf3.92 MB
Successful recruitment practices in South Asia.pdf3.84 MB
The New Chinese Metropolises - A guide to opportunities in emerging cities for higher education.pdf2.2 MB
The New Chinese Metropolises - A guide to opportunities in emerging cities for schools.pdf1.75 MB
The return of Japan - Evaluating government policies and market potential for international education.pdf1.11 MB
The UK ELT market - growth or decline.pdf1.57 MB
TNE in India - making it work for you.pdf1.5 MB
UK education vs the world - how to compete with global competition.pdf1.05 MB
Visas for boarding schools and English language providers.pdf1.15 MB
Visas for further education colleges.pdf1.15 MB
Visas for universities.pdf1.15 MB
Vocational education and student recruitment in Brazil.pdf987.89 KB