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Discover what we can offer you. Our opportunities range from funding and scholarships, to professional development and institutional partnerships. The British Council also offer opportunities to enable you to reach prospective students and build links with local providers and agents through marketing campaigns and participation in events such as exhibitions, education fairs, conferences, or agent and alumni events.

Call for proposals: Intensive General English-Language Course plus ESP Management and Innovation for Group of Peruvian Undergraduate University Students

A client of the British Council in Peru is looking for a University in the UK to provide an intensive two-week general...
Americas, United Kingdom

Call for Expression of Interest for a Research Project on English as Medium of Instruction (EMI) in Indonesia

British Council Indonesia is looking for a potential UK Partner for a research project on English as Medium of...
East Asia

Seed funding available for UK-China outward mobility programmes

The British Council has launched the UK-China Outward Mobility Partnership Fund as part of the Generation UK campaign...
East Asia
South Asia

English Language Teaching Research Awards 2019

The British Council is pleased to announce its 2019 call for research proposals under the ELT Research Awards scheme.
United Kingdom

Teacher Training for a Group of Korean Teachers

The British Council in Korea is looking for a teacher training partner for a 4-week programme in the UK who can host 5...
East Asia

Registration open: 2019 UK-China Transnational Education Workshop - the policy and tax landscape

The British Council will deliver a workshop on UK-China transnational education (TNE) in London. Experienced...
East Asia

Raise your university’s sporting profile in China: participate in the “UK-China University Sports Week” and/or host a visit by Chinese university rugby teams.

Raise your university's sporting profile: The British Council invites UK universities to participate in the fifth...
East Asia

Creative Industries Masters Scholarship Programme - Colombia

Today, a new and exciting scholarship programme is being launched in Colombia.

Extend deadline to 13 May - Recruitment for 2 trainers on Foresight for Food - THAILAND

The British Council Thailand, in partnership with the Food Innopolis, the National Science Technology and Innovation...
East Asia
