Consultancy: conduct a CPD needs analysis in Indonesia

We are seeking proposals from qualified consultants to conduct a needs analysis aimed to inform the development of programme models for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) tailored to in-service English language teachers in primary and secondary schools across Indonesia, on behalf of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MoECRT). This analysis will leverage existing desk research conducted by both the British Council and MoECRT’s Center for Education Policy.

The primary objective of this consultancy is to formulate a comprehensive national CPD programme that is closely aligned with the specific needs of teachers while also reflecting the strategic goals of MoCERT, ultimately contributing to the improvement of English language teaching, learning, and assessment practices throughout Indonesia.

We welcome submissions from both international/UK and Indonesian organizations specialising in research and consultation within the ELT sector. The ideal consultant team should possess a minimum of 5 years of experience in developing and delivering research and consultations, preferably consisting of a blend of national and international experts with expertise in the Indonesian education system, ELT landscape, teacher development sector, and broader ELT best practices. Key attributes sought include strong organizational and communication skills, as well as effective project management capabilities to ensure the smooth execution of the consultancy.

The consultancy is scheduled to commence in March 2024 and conclude by October 2024. Deliverables include an inception report by the end of March 2024, a progress report by the end of May 2024, a monitoring and evaluation report by early August 2024, and a final report by the end of September 2024, along with potential dissemination activities. Consultants will be expected to conduct desk research, visit government schools and teacher education institutions, observe English lessons, and facilitate focus group discussions with key stakeholders such as students, teachers, teacher educators, principals, and administrators.

The anticipated budget ceiling for this consultancy is GBP 45,000 (inclusive of VAT if applicable), and detailed input days and budget requirements should be provided in Annex 2 (supplier proposal) and Annex 3 (pricing approach).

Interested parties are encouraged to refer to the attached RFP and annexes for further information regarding this opportunity.

Indicative timelines

Activity  Date / time
RFP Issued to bidding suppliers 1-Feb-24
Deadline for clarification questions (Clarification Deadline 5-Feb-24
British Council to respond to clarification questions and an optional briefing session 7-Feb-24
Deadline for submission of Proposals by potential suppliers (Response Deadline 18-Feb-24
Final Decision 23-Feb-24
Contract concluded with winning supplier 1-Mar-24
Contract start date 4-Mar-24

Action Required

All documents required as part of your Proposal should be submitted to copying English Programmes Indonesia team and by the Response Deadline, as set out in the Timescales section of the RFP.