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South Asia SIEM Engagement Programme June 2015 – presentations now available

The South Asia British Council SIEM team recently concluded a successful engagement visit with UK Institutions in London, Manchester and Edinburgh in June where we met and interacted closely with 80 UK educational institutions. The SIEM delegation which included the heads of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka as well as the regional team, presented on some of the current compelling themes for the region, such as employability of returning South Asian graduates, TNE development, the role of agents in the South Asian market and digital and remote marketing. In Manchester, Iran presented on the education landscape and inherent opportunities for UK Institutions in higher education.

In each city, for the first time we also held one-on-one appointments with individual Institution delegates to discuss strategy in the region.

The presentations from the programme are now available and can be downloaded below.

We would like to thank everyone who attended the programme and we look forward to working with you closely in the future.

We welcome Institutions who were unable to attend to write to us to know more about the educational landscape in South Asia to support your strategy for the approaching recruitment cycle.

We would be happy to meet you when you are in this part of the world, so do get in touch with us at siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org.

Please write to us at siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org for any queries or clarifications regarding the presentations.