Education UK Mini Exhibition Hong Kong July 2014 - REPORT

While our Education UK exhibitions in August and January have been our flagship events for a number of years, this year we also decided to capture the opportunity of HKDSE results release by also hosting a smaller exhibition – Education UK mini exhibition on the 19th of July.

More than 1,100 visitors attended the event at Regal Hong Kong Limited - which was comfortably above our own expectations. The quantity and quality of the students were satisfactory and feedbacks from the exhibitors were positive as well.  Seminars on various related topics such as Pathways,  options for the new graduates of the Hong Kong, Diploma of Secondary Education and How to write a personal statement were held throughout the exhibition, and were also well attended, many with standing room only.

The topical seminars also attracted a lot of media interest, with reporters from top mass-circulation newspapers coming to attend the event.