Undergraduate recruitment channels from China and future prospects

This report aims to identify recent trends in Undergraduate (UG) enrolment, specifically the routes (recruitment channels) into UG programmes in the UK from China. Over the last five years, the number of China-domiciled students starting UK First Degree programmes has increased by +33% – but a closer look at the data shows that the profile of these students has changed, with +63% growth in students starting courses in Year 1 while the number joining in Year 2+ of the course is down 2%. This research aims to provide insight into the routes which are ‘most’ popular amongst Chinese students, the reasons/drivers for growth, and the likely future trends for key recruitment pathways, with a particular focus on any potential risks/challenges for the UK in future UG recruitment.  

Specifically, the report seeks to understand (and where possible quantify) the UG recruitment channels from China, based on a modified version of the classification system used in the previous (global) British Council pathways research.