
The latest education market news from our UK and local country staff and from selected external sources, focusing on issues affecting UK education, from changes to higher education policy and student visa procedures, to competitor analysis and media coverage.

Japanese government announces change in English language education at primary school level

A significant change in English language education at primary school level has been announced by the Ministry of...
East Asia

Digital media becoming top media in Thailand

The Digital Advertising Association of Thailand has recently announced that spending on digital advertising media in...
East Asia

Ministry of Public Security Gives Rare Commentary on Controversial Foreign NGO Law

At a recent Q&A session with the European Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Public Security provided rare public...
East Asia

Digital Learning – An emerging trend in India

Adoption of various e-learning methods is seeing an upward trend in India. Very soon India will need skilled workforce...
South Asia

Bangladesh HSC results show better performance than last year

The pass percentage of this year's Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent exams has improved to 72.47 per...
South Asia

Directorate General for Education and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) Indonesia Releases National Certificate Number (PIN)

The Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) launched National Certificate Number (PIN) on...
East Asia

Increasing A-level candidate numbers in China show the continued growth of international schools

Cambridge International Examinations recently announced that the number of candidates for its A-Level, AS and IGCSE...
East Asia

China's new scholarship to sponsor students from Belt & Road Initiative nations

The Ministry of Education of China has unveiled its action plan to drive the Belt and Road education partnership with...
East Asia

China plans rise in research spending and encourages universities to retain earnings from research findings

China’s Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science and Technology recently released a circular on strengthening HEIs...
East Asia

Committee to tackle oversupply of law graduates in Singapore

Last Friday, 509 new lawyers were admitted to the Singapore Bar, (just slightly lower than the record 535 last year).
East Asia
