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Digital Learning – An emerging trend in India

Globally, digital learning is one of the most quickly developing trends in education. India is no exception to this trend. With increasing digital awareness, Indian students are adopting various e-learning methods. Given below are a few e-learning methods that are gaining popularity in India:

  • Augmented learning: It involves the use of audio and virtual reality that makes learning fun and interesting. The rich media content enables the students to visualise concepts and hence leaves a lasting memory with the learner.
  • M-Learning: Mobile is the most accessed device among students taking up 12 per cent of an Indian student’s life, on an average. Technologies like HTML 5 is making M-learning more interactive.
  • Gamification: Gamification uses the concept of Cascading Information Theory which lets the learner unlock information at every stage and makes learning rewarding. Gamification is being used in schools as well as at HE institutions.
  • LMS: A Learning Management System (LMS) streamlines the learning process by maintaining the content, training material and the track record of the learner. As more people get digital-friendly, LMS will be at the core of all the e- learning activity.
  • Blended Learning: Although the dependence on physical books is reducing, 100% adoption of digital learning methods might take some time. Blended learning combines traditional learning along with online learning. This form of learning is expected to be a game changer in the e-learning space.
  • Self-Assisted Learning: 50 % of the competitive exam takers are without any form of external coaching/assistance. This shows that the new age students have gone beyond the conventional learning methods such as tutors and coaching classes, but wants to learn, and adapt the courses at his own will.

The popularity of these e-learning methods is increasing. This is also evident from the fact that many technology companies and start-ups are introducing technology products for education. There will soon be demand for people with specialised skills in e-learning space. It is an excellent opportunity for UK institutions who offer courses in this subject area to promote related courses in India. UK institutions can take advantage of various platforms offered by SIEM India. Such platforms include digital services, face to face engagements, webinars and more. To explore our platforms write to Shruti Khanna marking a copy to SIEM South Asia.

Read the full article here: http://www.dailypioneer.com/avenues/e-trends-in-education.html