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Directorate General for Education and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) Indonesia Releases National Certificate Number (PIN)

The Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) launched National Certificate Number (PIN) on 29th June 2016. The purpose of the launch was mainly to prevent the large number of fake certificates cases in Indonesia.

There have been many cases of certificate forgery happened in Indonesia. Lately; Inspectorate General of (Kemristekdikti) has just revoked postgraduate certificates of lecturers from public universities who undertook their programme using fake diplomas. Therefore, it is expected that the National Certificate Number (PIN) could reduce the number of certificate falsification that committed by irresponsible people.

It is quite difficult to hack the number because the National Certificate Number has 14 digits; the first five digits are the code representing the chosen study programme, the next 4 numbers shows the graduation year and the last five digits are the serial numbers of certificate.

Public can also check the validity of the certificate through online Electronic Certificate Verification System (SIVIL), simply by entering the number of certificate through this link http://belmawa.ristekdikti.go.id/ijazah/.


UK institutions should be more conscientious in checking the official documents of their applicants especially the certificates, diplomas and transcripts. The recent cases that happened in Indonesia are an alarm for the UK institutions to be more vigilant in selecting the applicants. UK institutions can also verify the validity of certification through the online electronic system link created by The Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education Indonesia.