Host Study UK career development workshops

The British Council will organise four Study UK career development workshops for Chinese students in the UK from 23-30 March 2024. We are delighted to invite UK universities to submit expressions of interest to host the workshops.

Benefits of hosting a workshop

These workshops are designed to give Chinese students an in-depth understanding of the trends and developments of the job market in China across various sectors. The students will also learn about ways to improve their professional skills and prepare for a career in China upon graduation.

Hosting a workshop will enable Chinese students at your institution and other nearby institutions in your surrounding area to benefit from these insights. Students will also be able to speak directly to HR representatives from leading national and international companies based in China.

About the workshops

Study UK career development workshops are designed to provide Chinese students who are currently studying at UK universities with updated information about China’s job market, trends of industrial development, employer expectation, and the recruitment process that China-based employers usually follow for returning graduates.

Speakers consist of HR directors and senior managers from leading international and Chinese companies, representing a diverse range of industries, as well as successful alumni entrepreneurs who have developed their own businesses after graduating from the UK.  

The workshops will be delivered in Chinese and English. The main format of the workshops will be panel discussions, with live Q&A sessions facilitated between students and the speakers. Topics of discussion will cover:

  • Insights into China’ job market and current development trends
  • Talents preferred by top employers in China
  • Strengthens and weaknesses of returning graduates in the job market.
  • Experience and skills development
  • Process and conditions of recruitment
  • Starting a business in China upon graduation
  • Preparing for the job hunt and interviews

Each workshop will last for about 2 - 2.5 hours, with an expected attendance of more than 200 students.

How to get involved

UK institutions interested in hosting a workshop should fill in the attached Expression of Interest Form and email by Monday 19 February 2024, 23.59pm (GMT).

Please include a selection of photos of the venue when submitting the Expression of Interest Form.**

**Please note, emails with attachments of more than 10MB in size may be blocked by our server. In this case, we recommend either compressing the photos or sending them through a file-sharing website.

Hosting institutions will be selected based on:

  • Venue and meeting facility offered (minimum capacity of 200 students)
  • Significant number of Chinese students on campus and in the region
  • Universities’ channels to promote the event to Chinese students on campus and students in other universities nearby (Promotional materials of the workshops will be provided by the British Council in February 2024)
  • Ability to provide on-site support on the event day for venue and facility set up and testing, participants registration, and event rundown management
  • Geographic location and accessibility for Chinese students from surrounding institutions
  • Ease of access via public transport