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Study UK Discover You February 2017 exhibitions kick off with All India Briefing at Bangalore

Study UK Discover You February 2017 exhibitions kick off with All India Briefing at Bangalore

Study UK: Discover you February 2017 leg of India exhibitions commenced on 2 February in the city of Bangalore.
South Asia

New report – Student Insight US postgraduate pathways to the UK

This report focuses on prospective PG students from the US, using quantitative and qualitative data gathered from a...
Americas, United Kingdom

British Council report on the TNE landscape in the Philippines

As part of the development of a comprehensive country report on the Philippine higher education landscape, the British...
East Asia

HE Spain internationalisation infographics

Have a look at the infographic on the link below for a quick overview of Spain's internationalisation (in and out),...

Education UK Cyprus Exhibition Nov 2016 - Post Event Report

British Council Cyprus recently held their annual Education UK exhibition in November 2016 at the Merit Hotel Nicosia...

EdUK Germany Higher Education Fairs Nov 2016 - Post Event Report

In November 2016, British Council Germnay held their annual Higher Education Fairs, which covered four separate cities...

Education UK Saudi Arabia School Roadshow Dec 2016 - Post event report

British Council Saudi Arabia recently held a School road show in December 2016 (Across Riyadh, Jeddah & Dammam).
Middle East & Africa

New report – Subject Spotlight: Creative arts and design

This Subject Spotlight focuses on international student demand for subjects in creative arts and examines global demand...
United Kingdom

Education UK Exhibition Jordan October 2016 - Post Event Report

British Council Jordan recently held their annual Education UK exhibition in October 2016 at the Landmark Hotel in...
Middle East & Africa

EdUK Saudi Arabia Medicine Study Tour Nov 2016 - Post Event Report

British Council Saudi Arabia recently held their study tour for Medicine & Medical Allied studies in Nov 2016 (...
Middle East & Africa
