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Transnational education in Vietnam: Exploring opportunities for the UK

Vietnam's population of over 95 million and its rapidly-growing economy have driven demand for international education, both overseas and in-country. There are currently over 250 approved overseas HE programmes in the country, and the UK is responsible for 61 of these partnerships making it Vietnam's top partner.

The country's regulations on transnational education were recently overhauled by the newly-issued Decree 86, which came into effect in August 2018. This new law revised regulations for foreign-invested education institutions in Vietnam as well as rules for cooperation between local and overseas institutions. 

As part of a series of reports on international transnational education (TNE) opportunities the British Council has conducted research to better understand these new regulations, as well as the current market situation, in-demand subject areas and cooperation models, and the attitudes of students, universities and government officials. The report provides valuable information to UK HEIs seeking to understand the range of TNE opportunities in Vietnam.

The full report is available for download as attached.