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Study UK Vietnam School/College & University Pathway Exhibition March 2018 - Post Report

The Study UK School, College & University Pathway Exhibition – Vietnam March 2018 was held in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City from 9th to 12th March 2018.

Over 4 days, exhibitors involved in a mixture of activities including roadshows to local high schools and public exhibition. With 24 participating UK institutions and 2 UK qualification providers in Vietnam, the school road shows and exhibitions attracted 832 student visitors in total. The event was promoted mainly through popular online media channels combined with direct marketing activity to selected high schools. The PR campaign reached 900,000 peoples on social media, attracted over 80,000 clicks on online and facebook channels. Key messages of the campaign included a) UK education is a value-for-money investment for the future, and b) UK education gives students a unique and inspirational learning experience, have been featured in most of the coverage.