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Roundtable Discussion with Rt. Hon. David Willetts MP on the Public Engagement of Universities

Stunning views of cherry blossoms in full bloom welcomed the Prime Minister David Cameron, David Willetts, Minister for Universities and Science, and Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport to Japan on Tuesday 10 April 2012.

On this occasion the British Council Japan organised a roundtable discussion with the Rt Hon. David Willetts, visiting Vice Chancellors from the UK universities in the delegation and an impressive line up of leaders from Japanese universities and representatives from the Japanese Ministry of Education. The theme of the roundtable was the public engagement of universities – an increasingly important theme in Japan after the devastating earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011. The Minister together with participants discussed the role and contribution of universities to society in such areas as promoting public understanding of knowledge, analysing and providing evidence around policy issues, working with industry to develop skills and spark innovation, and addressing the big issues of our time through an interdisciplinary approach. The topic of public engagement will provide a rich area of activity for the new UK-Japan HE collaboration scheme – RENKEI – which was launched last month at Going Global. Through RENKEI leading universities from both sides will formulate pilot projects to help Japan and the UK collaborate to find solutions to issues such as ageing population and securing sustainable energy. 

Following the roundtable, British Council Japan Deputy Director Alison Beale accompanied David Willetts on his call on the Japanese Minister of Education. The two ministers confirmed their commitment to increasing research collaboration, skills development, policy dialogue and mobility between the two countries through RENKEI, and they also confirmed their genuinely close links in education based on mutual respect for each other’s research output.

David Willetts said, “Education is at the heart of the warm relationship between Japan and the UK. Both countries are knowledge economies with world-class universities at the forefront of scholarship. These new British Council-led initiatives will deepen and strengthen our existing ties as we tackle new challenges together.”