Report on UK China HE collaboration on new energy car design

The low carbon automotive sector has made breath taking strides in recent years and now promises a new era of motoring which maintains performance, increases efficiency and sharply reduces pollution, both in the manufacture and operation of vehicles. China has placed developing its new energy automobile industry high on the agenda in its twelveth Five-Year Plan and is also a priority for the UK. British Council China’s Knowledge Economy Partnership Programme aims to support higher education and industry collaboration in this sector by providing a platform and framework for the creation of sustainable partnerships that link the higher education sector, government and business communities to drive forward global, national knowledge economies.

Chinese partners were sourced in the Municipality of Chongqing (population XX million) in Southwest China, and includedChongqing Industrial Service Centre, Chongqing Industrial Design Association, Chang'an Automobile (Group) Co. Ltd and Sichuan Fine Arts Institute.  The objectives of the collaboration project were to promote higher education collaboration, joint research and technology dialogues in the new energy auto industry among Chinese and UK universities and auto companies. Specific objectives of the programme were:

  • Students: by working together in mixed UK China students groups in Chinese auto enterprises, students will develop their language skills, team work and intercultural skills, and demonstrate their creativity and improve their employability.
  • Universities: institutional links will be set up as the result of the programme. By working with industry, curriculum will be adjusted to better meet the industry needs. 
  • Enterprise: the automobile industry will be inspired by the students’ design work and at the same time identify talent in industrial design.