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Report on Sino-UK Higher Education Cooperation on creative media industry

The global economy undergoes a structural transformation in the 21st Century. Based on the theoretical research made by the economist John Howkins, the Blair Administration was the first to coin the concept of “creative industry”. Immediately after that, creative industry became the pillar of knowledge economy. The governments and academia of various countries have attached great importance to the development and theoretical research of creative industry.

The Chinese Government is striving to develop its creative industry. This emerging industry has already enlivened relevant employment markets. In response to the government’s strategy on developing the creative industry, more and more Chinese universities have opened relevant schools, departments or courses.

UK’s creative industry has been always in a leading position in the world, and many universities are taking the lead in creative education. More and more Chinese undergraduate students choose to continue their education in creative industry related areas in the UK.

Under such background, this programme is designed to focus on Creative Media Industry and aims to promote the higher education collaboration, joint research and dialogues in this important area between Chinese and UK universities. 

Please download the enlosed full report for more information about this project.

BC-SIEM - KEP new media Report.pdf261.91 KB