Law mission India, January 2016 : detailed report

Law has been a popular subject in India and is of interest for many UK institutions for collaborative tie-ups and recruitment. At the Education UK exhibitions, enquires related to Law courses continues to be featured in the top 10 enquired subjects by students attending the exhibitions.

This was the third consecutive year for the Law mission in India and each mission has been designed to encourage academic engagement and boost exchange of ideas between UK and Indian institutions.The mission commenced in the city of Delhi, continued to Pune and concluded in Kolkata. These cities were chosen as the British Council had visited the institutions in these cities and observed an inclination towards International Law education, and these institutions had expressed an interest to engage with UK institutions through collaborative/partnership arrangements. The programme for the mission included academic interaction and student interaction.

To know more about the local institution visits, discussion with faculty members and highlights at each visiting institution , please download the detailed report.

Law mission report final.pdf481.11 KB