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International Education Services Now! online forum - webinars and presentations available

Webinars and presentations from International Education Services Now! online forum on 6 June 2019 are now available.

This complimentary digital event attracted over 300 attendees and provided updates on British Council activity as well as intelligence and market insight. If you attended, please complete our short feedback form. We would truly appreciate receiving your replies by Friday, 14 June, at the very latest.

We are happy to share the recordings of the webinars below. The presentations from the forum are available through this link. The questions and answers from each session can be located here.

  1. Matt Durnin, Global Head of Insights & Consultancy - Global Market Update
  2. What’s new with International Education Services?
  3. Michael Peak, Head of Higher Education Systems Research, Research and Policy Insight Unit - The Shape of Global Higher Education
  4. Maya Frost, GREAT Britain Campaign Digital Manager - What's new with Study UK?
  5. Helen Clews, Immigration and External Relations (Visas) Advisor - An Insight into Student Safety and Wellbeing

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the team here.

Thank you once again for being a part of our inaugural International Education Services Now! online forum. We look forward to supporting you again in your international work very soon.