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Education Futures Mini Conference series: Recruitment reality in a post-Covid-19 international Higher Education landscape

From 11 to 15 May the British Council held the first of the Education Futures Mini Conference series: Recruitment reality in a post-Covid-19 international Higher Education landscape 

The series, focussing on international student recruitment, included the following sessions (click the title to view the recording):

Breakout session one:

The view from the frontline – evolving student perceptions and changing market sentiment
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Breakout session two:

Digital transformation – the future of international student recruitment
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Yes, no, maybe…we don’t know – probable and possible implications of Covid-19 on the international Higher Education landscape


Please find attached below:

1. The presentation from the Plenary

2. A summary report of the series

Upcoming Education Futures Mini Conference series include:

Education Futures Mini Conference: Think TNE - Reshaping UK - East Asia Transnational Education in the face of Covid-19

Education Futures Mini Conference: The future of Outward Mobility

If you have any questions about the Education Futures Mini Conference series, please contact: Fraser Deas, Head of Education Services China, Fraser.Deas@britishcouncil.org.cn