East Asia Market Briefing - Recording available online

East Asia regional market briefings for Higher Education/Further Education and the Schools and Colleges sector are now available online to view. This content was delivered in a workshop in London on May 31st, and by webinar on June 27th.

The briefings include topline market trends, student decision making, emerging subject choices, reactions to Brexit and the International Education Strategy, and what marketing messages appeal to local parents and students.

The recordings can be found as follows:

HE/FE - https://BritishCouncil.zoom.us/recording/share/9pmAma8fPHaSF9KEdKgZbcSaq8SEAuRsnPltZQD-5oqwIumekTziMw

Schools and Colleges - https://BritishCouncil.zoom.us/recording/share/EfElLA0K1JAJv57aQOL-ReZdnx7UHFL19FRGd5eWcmmwIumekTziMw