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  • Tender opportunity for research into digital offers and trends within English teacher online Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in ASEAN region

Tender opportunity for research into digital offers and trends within English teacher online Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in ASEAN region

The British Council is seeking an experienced research team to conduct a two-phased landscape review and needs analysis covering digital offers and trends within English teacher online Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in ASEAN.

The research is expected to deliver a number of stated outputs including: an initial landscape review covering the identified countries and highlighting country specific findings and recommendations, followed by a separate in-depth report on digital English teacher CPD landscape in relation to local and national priorities to the British Council.

*Maximum Value of contract = £50,000 GBP

Action Required

Prospective suppliers are required to submit RFP Responses which contain the following 3 documents to Li Rui (Li.Rui@britishcouncil.org.cn), CCing: Colm.downes@britishcouncil.org and Kathleen.zhong@britishcouncil.org.cn with subject line ‘English Connects Feasibility Study – ASEAN RFP”

  • Technical proposal, specifying the approach to the research brief, methodology and time framework for the research, using Annex [2] template
  • Commercial proposal, detailing daily fee rates and other associated costs, using annex [3] template
  • Full CV(s) in English, including accounts of previous relevant experience.

Deadline for submission - 23:59 (UK time), 28 February 2022