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  • Reminder: British Council Indonesia is publishing “Impact of Studying in the UK Booklet”, opportunity to advertise is still available.

Reminder: British Council Indonesia is publishing “Impact of Studying in the UK Booklet”, opportunity to advertise is still available.

In addition to its annual UK Study Guide, British Council Indonesia is publishing “Impact of Studying in the UK” booklet. The content of this booklet was initially aimed for LPDP Scholarships’ government official, to showcase the excellence, benefits and impact of UK Education for Indonesia by providing facts and reports on why Indonesian should go and study in the UK. LPDP Scholarship (Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education) is the biggest scholarships provider that has sent most of their scholarships awardees to the UK.
This booklet will be distributed specifically to potential audience and scholarships awardees in Indonesia, particularly government officials and sponsor body.


Based on LPDP data from January 2016, there are 1,679 Indonesian awardees that are currently studying in the UK. Most of them chose UK because of the quality education and study duration. The Times Higher Education data in 2016 places the UK as more affordable (in terms of total tuition fee and living cost) ranking 6th place compared to USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Hong Kong. Findings from HSBC report in 2016 stated that over a third (35%) of parents would also consider sending their child abroad to university, the highest proportions of parents considering this are in Indonesia (60%), UAE (58%) and Hong Kong (54%). 62% of Indonesian students in the UK are self-funded and 38% students use scholarships or other financial support from sponsors. Currently there are scholarships and funding that provided by central and provincial government for their staff, lecturers, researchers and public audience.

Impact of Studying in the UK Booklet

British Council Indonesia will publish its 2nd Impact Document for the following purposes:

• To provide in-depth information on world class education, quality, academic tradition and choice.
• To provide a glance to the UK education system.
• To highlight the benefits of a UK education including employability, advancing your career, value for money, being globally networked, enabling international research collaboration, professional enhancement, creating future leaders.
• To provide government officials, decision maker in the university level and school level with thorough information on the impact of studying in the UK.
• To provide parents and students with facts and reasons on the excellence of UK education compare to other countries.
• To provide details on study programmes of some UK institutions, so that potential students can contact the institutions directly according to their interests.

The Impact of Studying in the UK booklet contains the following information:

• Study in the UK
• UK education system
• Why study in the UK
• Benefits of a UK Education
• Scholarships – Chevening
• Visa Services – Student Visa
• Alumni Testimonies

Target Audience & Circulation
The target audience of this booklet includes government officials, universities boards, students (high school, undergraduate, Masters, and PhD), school counsellors, professional, parents, and educationists.

4,000 initial copies of the Impact of Studying in the UK booklet will be distributed during scoping visits to key stakeholders, including government official, government education fair, local institutions education fairs, agents, British Council’s education exhibitions and other relevant activities (e.g. schools road show) and major education events in which the British Council actively participates.

The Impact of Studying in the UK Booklet Dimensions is 20x20cm Size, up to 32 colored pages. 2,000 copies will be printed in English and 2,000 copies will be printed in Bahasa Indonesia.

Open recruitment: 22 May – 14 July 2017
Production: July – Mid August

Please kindly find the attached PDF for full details of this opportunity and the booking form.

To book advertising space, please complete the booking form and submit your application to Lisa Wilianto: Lisa.Wilianto@britishcouncil.or.id at the latest on 30 June 2017

Action Required

To book advertising space, please complete the booking form and submit your application to Lisa Wilianto: Lisa.Wilianto@britishcouncil.or.id at the latest on 14 July 2017