Invite a partner for an ELS programme in Malaysia

The purpose of this brief is to seek expressions of interest from UK universities wishing to participate in the ELS English Language Ambassador Award Essay Writing Competition, an annual CSR programme endorsed by Malaysia's Ministry of Education.

ELS Language Centres invites a UK university to partner with them by hosting the Grand Champion of this nationwide competition at their campus for a week. With more than 50,000 Form 4 & 5 (Year 10 & 11) students participating across 500+ schools in the country, this programme offers an unparalleled opportunity to enhance the UK university partner's visibility and showcase its commitment to educational excellence and community development, while providing a transformative experience for a deserving student from Malaysia.

Within two cycles, the programme had positively impacted over 50,000 students, with countless testimonials attesting to its transformative influence, not only in preparing for the SPM exam (Malaysia Certificate of Examination) but also in laying a robust foundation for future tertiary endeavour.

Programme Timelines

The timeline below outlines the broad phases of the programme. 

Phase 1 Essay writing competition: May - August 2024
Phase 2  Judging process: September - November 2024 (University Partner to participate in the final phase in November)
Phase 3:   Winners’ announcement and finale awards ceremony: January to April 2025
Phase 4: 1-week study tour for the Grand Champion and Guardian at an university: September 2025 (the Orientation Week)


University partnership

ELS is seeking a UK university partner to support this programme with the following roles:

  1. Joining the final judging panel: As the second phase of the judging process concludes in November 2024, ELS will invite a suitable judge from the UK university partner to join the panel of judges (including a representative from the MOE) for the final round, which will take place online in mid-November 2024.
  2. Hosting the Grand Champion and Guardian: In Phase 4, the UK university partner will need to provide accommodation for the Grand Champion and their guardians (maximum 2 pax) within the university hostel or premises for the duration of their stay (between 6 and 7 days).
  3. Providing a university tour: As part of Phase 4, provide a study tour of the UK campus and facilities for the Grand Champion and their guardian. It includes participation in student activities and orientation week events. Incorporating this tour during the Orientation Week may be a convenient way to host the Grand Champion.

Benefits to the University

By joining this programme as a strategic university partner and hosting the Grand Champion and their guardian, the UK university partner will gain invaluable exposure and brand impact. Below are the benefits as listed by ELS:

  1. Enhanced global visibility: ELS’s CSR initiative boasts a robust online presence, particularly on the educational platform DELIMa, which is accessible nationwide to over 5 million Malaysian students and more than 440,000 teachers. Additionally, ELS will actively promote the UK university partner through their website, social media channels, and press releases.
  2. Strengthen international partnerships: This collaboration not only showcases the UK university partner's commitment to global educational initiatives but also fosters long-term relationships with key educational stakeholders in Malaysia. These connections can lead to future collaborations, student exchanges, and research opportunities.
  3. Positive public relations & brand enhancement: Supporting this initiative reflects positively on the UK university’s public image, demonstrating a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility and community development. The association with an MOE-endorsed programme further elevates the UK university’s brand as a leader in supporting educational excellence.
  4. Attracting talented international students: By hosting the Grand Champion and participating in the programme, the UK university partner will attract high-achieving students who will consider your institution for their higher education. This serves as an excellent recruitment opportunity for talented international students.
  5. Academic & cultural exchange: Hosting the Grand Champion offers the UK university partner community a unique opportunity to engage with a student from a different cultural and educational background. It enriches the campus environment, promoting diversity and a broader understanding of global perspectives among students and faculty.

Expressions of interest

We invite UK institutions to submit an expression of interest to be the University Partner for the ELS English Language Ambassador Award programme 2024.  Expressions of interest are required to include the following:

  • Name, designation and contact details of focal point
  • Brief overview of the university
  • Name and designation of senior representative for the Judging Panel
  • Details of the university accommodation that would be provided for the Grand Champion and their guardian.
  • Outline of the activities and events that would be offered as part of the University Tour.
  • Signed letter of support by the university leadership on official letterhead,

The host institution will be selected by ELS Language Centres in consultation with the British Council based on the strength of the expression of interest submitted.

More information about ELS Language Centres and the ELS Award is available at:

ELS Award :

ELS Language Centres, Malaysia :

Action Required

Deadline: 31 August 2024

Expressions of interest should be submitted to by 31 August 2024. Enquiries of this call may be directed to the same email as well.