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Promote your scholarships and support offers to European students – for free

Has your university set offers for EU or EEA domiciled students for 2021-2?
The British Council in EU Europe is offering UK higher education institutions the chance to participate in a targeted mailshot to our database of students from 29 European countries.
This is your chance to promote for free:
- The fee level offered by your institution to EU or EEA domiciled students
- New scholarships, bursaries, grants or support packages for EU or EEA students
- Any existing scholarships or other offers that are open to EU or EEA students.

The offer to your institution
You will have access to students in our databases who have expressed an interest in studying in the UK, at either undergraduate or postgraduate level, from 2021 onwards. They are all students from EU or EEA countries, or Switzerland.

Each university will have a slot in a mailshot to students:
- Brief details of the offer (max. 70 words)
- A link to your university page (you can include links within the ‘brief details’ text, plus one ‘call to action’ button
- An image of your choice
- Please note that universities will be listed in alphabetical order (A-Z).

Depending on number of sign-ups, we will send up to 3 mailshots with your institution listed in one of them between end of May and mid-June.
We will share details on open rates and link clicks with you from a month after the email has gone out.

Click here for a rough example of how your university will appear in the mailshot.

Please share the template below with almut.caspary@britishcouncil.org by COP 25 May 2021.

Become part of a powerful message
‘The UK offers a wide range of financial support to EU students – here are just a few of the offers available to you at some of the UK’s top universities’.
This is the message that we will be conveying to students with the information that you and other institutions provide for this email.

Tackle the biggest concern for EU students
Research conducted by the British Council has shown that fee changes are the biggest concern for EU students considering studying in the UK post-Brexit, and the most cited reason among students who chose not to study in the UK.

Tap into one of our most effective marketing channels
Our email newsletters to students have proven to be some of our most effective channels. Our previous promotional mailshot in December 2020 had opening rates of 23-31 %.

Action Required

Please share the template below with almut.caspary@britishcouncil.org by COP 25 May 2021.