Study UK Day in Munich

As part of the Ludwig-Maximilian University’s annual international week, the British Council in Germany is supporting the ‘Study UK Day’ on 27 November 2024 (10.00-14.00 CET) in Munich and would like to invite up to 32 UK universities to take part in this recruitment event for UG, PG and semester abroad students from Munich and the south of Germany.

Participation in this event is free of charge for participating UK higher education institutions.
Participating universities will be expected to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation and cover these costs. In addition, universities will need to make their own freight arrangements (these will have to be “just-in-time” delivery as the venue cannot store any materials for us).

We have a maximum of 32 places available at this event.
Places will be allocated mainly on a first come, first served basis – but the British Council reserves the right to adjust the list, if necessary, to ensure a good mix of UK higher education institutions both regionally and in profile to provide the best offer to the students and schools.

To submit a binding registration for this event, please send an email to the Head of Education at the British Council in Germany, Ailsa Kienberger at by 28 June 2024.
The British Council Germany will contact you to confirm your place by 5 July 2024.
If you have questions about this event please contact Ailsa.