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Promote your institution through our Education UK seminar series

This is a great opportunity for UK institutions to connect with students and selected groups of college counsellors, teachers and principals in Turkey, raising awareness of their institutions and the opportunities that they have to offer.

British Council will organise Education UK seminar sessions at schools throughout the year to maintain the UK Higher Education sector’s presence in Turkey.

Seminar dates:
20 October 2016 Thursday
10 November 2016 Thursday
15 December 2016 Thursday
12 January 2017 Thursday
9 March 2017 Thursday
23 March 2017 Thursday
13 April 2017 Thursday
18 May 2017 Thursday

The seminar sessions will offer practical advice to prospective students on the UK undergraduate system and various study options in the UK, application processes, accommodation, visas, scholarships and events.

Our presentations will include a 10-minute slot exclusively devoted to your institution.  Experienced British Council staff will present your institution to the audience in a professional and knowledgeable manner that would boost interest and direct potential students to you. Your contacts will be clearly advertised at the end of the presentation for any follow up questions from students.

Reach audience

Presentations are held on the dates above, each presentation is attended by at least 20 students.
Potential total reach in five sessions: 100 attendees (minimum)

£250+VAT (five sessions)

Depending on the hosting schools’ facility a Skype or other online media option will be available for the UK institutions to join us at our presentations. These sessions will last 30 minutes maximum.

£150 + VAT

Terms and Conditions

  • Schools and seminar dates will be confirmed in due course
  • Each presentation session runs three slots that are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
  • Skype option is subject to availability of the technical/internet facility at the schools and available only for one institution for each session.

Other direct marketing services:

British Council offers a range of direct marketing services, including digital marketing to support UK institutions with their marketing and promotion activities. Our digital services are divided into standard services and bespoke packages to help UK institutions enhance their  brand presence and market their courses, scholarships and the benefits of UK student life to Turkish students. Please contact us if you would like to find out more about our range of direct marketing services.

Action Required

To reserve your place please contact Semra Yalcin