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  • NEW DATE:Call for Proposals: English Language Course for Colombian Students - Football Theme

NEW DATE:Call for Proposals: English Language Course for Colombian Students - Football Theme

The British Council Teaching Centre in Bogotá, Colombia is looking to offer their registered students a 2-4 week English Language course by an accredited British Council provider, to deliver 20 hours of English language teaching per week for a group of Colombian students. The course should be a combination of classes in the morning, a range of sporting and cultural activities in the afternoons, with cultural excursions on the weekends which we would like to be Football themed, such as visits to football stadiums. Classes to be taken by the students should be integrated with students from other countries to promote intercultural relations and the use of the English Language, as long as it meets the English language requirements.

Proposals must be submitted no later than Friday 21 December 2018, and the attached submission form must be used. Please direct any enquires to Katie McColl.


*Date of the course has been changed to start on the 1st of April 2019.

Action Required

Proposals must be submitted no later than Friday 21 December 2018, and the attached form must be used. Please direct any enquires to Katie McColl