
The latest education market news from our UK and local country staff and from selected external sources, focusing on issues affecting UK education, from changes to higher education policy and student visa procedures, to competitor analysis and media coverage.

Sri Lanka: Ministry of Higher Education identifies 4 sectors for development

The Ministry of Higher Education has identified 4 key areas that they plan to develop and address issues, in order to...
South Asia

Graduates salaries low in Hong Kong

UK universities might wish to highlight graduate employment outcomes or alumni case studies when talking to prospective...
East Asia

Where have the students gone? Post-secondary colleges in Hong Kong suffer downturn in student recruitment

As reported last month, the self-funded post-secondary sector in Hong Kong in general is struggling with student...
East Asia

Gates Cambridge Scholarship awarded to three Pakistani students

Three students from Pakistan have successfully been placed in the Gates Cambridge Scholarship programme, for the 2016...
South Asia

China announces international education opening up policy guidelines for 2016-2020

China’s central government published a document entitled Guidelines on Works in Opening Up the Education Sector in the...
East Asia
East Asia

New Indian education policy in the pipeline

For the first time in Indian Education history the government is seeking suggestions from students in villages and...
South Asia

Indian Government’s new step towards setting up Foreign University Campuses in India

The National Institution for Transforming India Aayog (NITI Aayog), a Government of India policy think-tank established...
South Asia

GCE A-level to be formally recognised as a qualification to enter Japanese universities from 2016

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan (MEXT) has announced a partial revision of...
East Asia

Thailand - Updates and Development in Digital

It is well known that the internet is very important in the Thai market, but the survey “Internet User Profile 2015”...
East Asia
