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Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education and The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills signed a Memorandum of Understanding focusing in Higher Education

During Indonesian President, Jokowi’s visit in April 2016 to the UK, a new MoU has been signed between Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education (RistekDikti) and the Department of BIS of UK.
The objective of this MoU is to strengthen co-operation in tertiary education on a reciprocal basis for the advancement of knowledge and intellectual development. 

The co-operation will include:

  • Increasing the exchange of students, academic and experts on projects that will be mutually beneficial to both parties, which may involve teaching collaboration, joint/double degrees and study visits
  • Encouraging the development of mutually beneficial bilateral programmes between educational institutions in further and higher education.
  • Providing scholarships to students/academic for both countries.
  • Recognising the range of institutional specialities in both countries and encouraging collaboration between the educational institutions.
  • Exploring new programmes to introduce knowledge based economy partnership, linking universities with business and industry.
  • Promoting professional development, teacher training and English language training
  • Exploring the possibilities for mutual recognition for academic, professional and vocational qualifications.
  • Supporting the exchange of ideas and experience in educational policy through policy dialogues and consultancy visits between advisors and officials from both countries.
  • Supporting future quality assurance exchanges as links between both countries develop.
  • Any other areas that both countries may together identify.

Source: external source and related stakeholders


This newly signed MoU between RistekDikti and BIS shows the eagerness and commitment of both countries to increase the number of collaboration in higher education. This MoU opens more opportunities in broader areas for both UK institutions and Indonesian institutions to collaborate. English Language Training is also one key area that is needed in Indonesia, especially for the cities outside Java Island. ELT Institutions might consider exploring Indonesian market, especially for English support prior to further study overseas. This MoU will be implemented through specific arrangement, programmes and projects.