Head teacher Summer Programme to the UK

Project Background:
The trainings to head teachers from vocational schools are always in great demand. According to National Vocational Model School Construction Plan, it is required to improve the quality of vocational teachers to reinforce better teaching performance. Thus more and more school senior management will seek for training opportunities from overseas institutions.

To meet the needs, a Chinese partner is calling for potential colleges/universities in the UK to arrange the programme on this area.

About the Chinese partner:
This Chinese partner serves as national key training base for vocational education teachers, national training base for CNC skill talents, and provincial training base for high skill talents in mechanical and electrical industry. In addition, this partner runs a number of training projects of the Ministry of Education such as the training project on German Vocational Education Law and Sino-German teacher training project in mechatronics, machinery and new energy.

Programme Length:
5 days during July - August 2014

Programme target audience:

  • Senior managements from vocational schools (mostly head teachers)
  • Group size: 20-30

Programme contents should include:
1. Management course on:

  • UK vocational education system briefing
  • Leadership and management skills
  • Career development for vocational students
  • Student performance management
  • Case study on working with local companies
  • Case study on transnational education in vocational schools

Besides the professional training, it is also expected to establish basic knowledge about UK companies, and see how the vocational institutions are working together with the companies. So corporate visiting will be preferred as one part of the programme.

2. Preferred: Visits & onsite learning

  • 1-2 companies, factories and other business related sites.

3. Optional: Workshop on vocational schools’ internationalization

Training format expected:

  • In-class training
  • Visits
  • Case study
  • Workshop (optional)

The British Council will charge GBP50 per head to the proposal winner as service commission.

Please note the British Council is only involved in the provision of partnership brokering services. The final decision will ultimately be made by Chinese partner from the following facts: quotation, programme design, course content, programme location, trainers’ profile, etc.

Action Required

Please complete the proposal form attached and send it back to Ms Su Si su.si@britishcouncil.org.cn before 22 September 2013 as submission. Please notice all forms should be sent back via emails and we don’t accept fax or paper-based forms.