Education Intelligence annual subscription 2015 – 2016

A premier source of information for higher education professionals, our value-for-money subscription packages offer access to first-rate market intelligence, insight and analysis. Last year, over 120 UK education institutions signed up for our annual subscription packages in order to receive invaluable ongoing support for their recruitment and marketing efforts.

For the 2015-2016 subscription year, Education Intelligence will publish over 65 new and updated market intelligence reports ranging from detailed country profiles to student decision-making analyses. Our portfolio is further enhanced by primary research on key countries of interest determined by our research team.

What’s new this year:

  • For our Unlimited package holders, exclusive access to our data-rich presentation slides from major international education conferences throughout the year
  • An all-new Country Snapshots, a review of industries and skills in 23 markets, for Unlimited subscribers
  • Enhanced report content, featuring brand new primary data
  • A streamlined FE, Skills and Schools Light package

Subscription packages are customised to different requirements and budgets. In addition to volume discounts on purchases from our wide range of Education Intelligence reports, you can also have exclusive access to our highly sought-after data mining tools for a fixed period between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2016.

Cost details for each subscription package are outlined below:

Unlimited - £5,900
Advanced - £3,300
Basic - £2,700
FE, Skills & Schools - £1,200
FE, Skills & Schools Light - £500

Please refer to the enclosed subscription brochure for details of the 2015 - 2016 offering and the range of products available.

Action Required

Confirm your subscription now!

Please talk to our account managers to find out which package is the most suitable for your needs.

To avoid any unnecessary delay in receiving our services, please e-mail a completed 2015 - 2016 subscription form to by Wednesday 25 March 2015.

Once the completed subscription form is received, the British Council will send a confirmation of receipt via email after details on the form are verified. An official invoice will subsequently be issued to the administration account holder. We will ensure that the subscription commences on 1 April 2015, or within two working days of the confirmation email being sent.

Please contact one of our account managers if you have any questions, or if we can provide you with any further information.