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  • Cyprus School of Molecular Medicine, the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, seek to expand their network of collaborating Institutions in the UK

Cyprus School of Molecular Medicine, the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, seek to expand their network of collaborating Institutions in the UK

The Cyprus School of Molecular Medicine (CSMM), housed within the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (CING) premises, provides students with a unique educational experience combining taught courses and laboratory research conducted in specialized state-of the-art departments and Clinics, in the areas of neurology, genetics and biomedical sciences.

The CSMM currently offers MSc and PhD postgraduate accredited programs (by all official bodies of the Republic of Cyprus), with the use of European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) values. All CSMM programs are taught in English. The CING was established in 1990 as a bi-communal, non-profit, academic, medical organisation and offers specialized services, research and education in the areas of Neurology, Biomedical Sciences and Forensics. Its vision is to function as a National and Regional centre of Excellence in the areas of Neurology, Genetics, and Biomedical Sciences. The Institute's mission is to provide high quality Clinical and Laboratory services, develop advanced research programs and provide post-graduate education in the areas of Neurology, Genetics and other Biomedical Sciences.

The CSMM and CING seek to expand their network of collaborating institutions in the UK, in the following key areas:

1) The CSMM to have access to the platform of the collaborating university, in order to deliver the existing CSMM programs via distance learning. This would be a collaboration under the terms of service provision (paid-for)

2) CSMM is interested to host visiting academics or administrators from the collaborating University, within the scope of transfer of knowledge/expertise. Visiting academics will be given the titles of Visiting CSMM Faculty and will have the potential to initiate new collaborative projects.

Finally the Institute is very keen to explore and discuss any models of collaboration that add value and offer mutual benefits to the collaborating organisations. More information about the Institute's programmes and the collaboration opportunities are available from the attached document.

Action Required

Interested UK Institutions in this opportunity should get in touch with Pantelitsa Michael

Collaboration Framework - CING.pdf210.19 KB