Springboard research grants with France and Germany

Springboard research grants, from Going Global Partnerships, support research teams in the UK to initiate new or strengthen existing partnerships with France or Germany. 

The scheme aims to upskill researchers and upscale research activities between the UK and France or Germany, by facilitating mobility between groups of early-career researchers, leading to joint research applications and publications.

Grants are open to both higher education institutions and not-for-profit reserch institutions.

Activities covered

Springboard grants are for collaborations between research teams involving early-career researchers, with a view to either submitting joint grant applications (to schemes such as Horizon Europe) or working on joint publications.

The grants cover:

  • a springboard meeting between team members in the UK and France or Germany, designed to: 
    • enrich the project with expertise from other countries or the private sector
    • prepare applications to large national, European or international funds
  • an online communication skills training for the early-career researchers involved
  • research placements in the partner’s lab for participating PhDs and postdocs.

Application details

Springboard accepts joint applications from directors and principal investigators at established research labs in the UK and either France or Germany, with a view to initiating new collaborations or strengthen existing collaborations.

Each application can include up to ten participants, including six early-career researchers.

Partners based in other EU countries or the private sector can be added to the project.

Lead applicants should also consider participation of researchers from under-represented groups.

Key details

Grant amount: up to £10,000, covering 

Activities start: from 1 January 2025

Open to: higher education institutions and not-for-profit research institutions

Application deadline: 30 September 2024, 17.00 CET

Action Required

For research collaborations with France, apply via the British Council France website.

For research collaborations with Germany, apply via the British Council Germany website.

Contact details:

UK-France collaborations: education@britishcouncil.fr

Uk-Germany collaborations: studyuk.germany@britishcouncil.org 

See other Going Global Partnerships opportunities