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CH01- Call for Proposals : General English Course in the UK (for Chilean University Students

A client of the British Council in Chile is looking for a University in the UK to provide an intensive 4-week General English course (CEFR A2 – B2), with 22.5-hours a week lessons and extracurricular activities.

If you’re not a University, at least 50% of your proposal will need to be affiliated with a University as the Chilean University looks to award credits to their students for their time in the UK, by getting a certificate and transcript at the end of the course.

The course should be a combination of classes in the morning, a range of social and cultural activities in the afternoons. The classes could be in a close group or integrated with students from multiple countries.

  1. Duration: 4 weeks
  2. Course Dates: 6 to 31 July 2020
  3. Group Description:
  • Based on a group of 10+ Chilean university students, with different levels of English (A2-B2) wishing to improve their general English skills.
  • Age range: 18+
  • 1 accompanying adult should be included in the quote.
  1. Course description:
  • Approx. 22.5 hours a week, general English for the university students.
  • Afternoon activities: Visits to places of historic and cultural interest to broaden the students’ knowledge of the UK whilst giving them first-hand experience of modern as well as historic ways of British life. The afternoon activities should complement the language areas and themes presented in the classroom morning lessons to provide for a full language experience.
  • At the end of the programme, students should get a certificate and transcript so they can recognize it as credits in the university here in Chile.

Action Required

Proposals should be sent to Pia Reategui pia.reategui@britishcouncil.org by no later than Friday, 20 September 2019 using the submission template enclosed. Subject line: “CH01: Proposal – General English for Chilean University Students, 2020”.

Proposals will be assessed according to compliance with the terms of reference above and breakdown of costs/budget. Institutions which are not contacted by 28 September2019, will have not been shortlisted. Once a winning bid is confirmed we will announce the results through Newswire.

Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we are unable to provide feedback on individual proposals.