Call for Proposals: UK-Viet Nam Research Grants

The British Council Viet Nam is now inviting proposals for UK-Viet Nam Research Grants to explore a more inclusive and accessible approach to the provision of English language teaching and learning in Viet Nam post Covid-19, which, as we all know, has had a massively disruptive effect on education systems globally, including here in Viet Nam. This highlights the need for innovative and sustainable digital solutions that can promote access to quality English education for learners, while building teacher capacity. This opportunity is in line with the collaboration plan for 2021-22, with a vision for the next four years signed by Ministry of Education and Training, the National Foreign Languages Project (NFLP) and the British Council Viet Nam.

The Grants aim to fund research study that will assess the quality and quantity of existing provision in two separate but related areas of English Language Teaching (ELT) in Viet Nam:
• A research grant into the online provision of digital teaching and learning resources in Viet Nam with a focus on ensuring that there is equitable provision of digital resources and access to online learning for both teachers and learners (GBP20,000).
• A research grant to investigate the provision of English language assessment and testing (including online and automated provision) to ensure fairness and inclusivity (GBP20,000).

Through this scheme, we aim to facilitate the production of research in the Official Development Assistance (ODA) context to benefit the quality of English language teaching, learning and assessment in Viet Nam’s education systems. Resulting articles will be published as part of the British Council Research Papers series online.

The deadline to submit your research proposal is 23.59 GMT on 25 October 2021. Applications should be returned to:

Action Required

Send your proposals to by 23.59 GMT on 25 October 2021.