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Call for proposals: Intensive General English-Language Course plus ESP Management and Innovation for Group of Peruvian Undergraduate University Students

A client of the British Council in Peru is looking for a University in the UK to provide an intensive two-week general English-language course (CEFR B2), which is to be complemented by a content-based ESP programme with focus on Management and Innovation. If you’re not a University, at least 50% of your proposal will need to be affiliated with a University as the Peruvian University looks to award credits to their students for their time in the UK.

Proposals must be submitted no later than Wednesday 30 January 2019, and the attached submission form must be used. Please direct any enquires to Katie McColl.

Action Required

Proposals must be submitted in a single PDF document using the attached template by no later than Wednesday 30 January 2019. No additional documents will be accepted. Please direct any enquires to Katie McColl.