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Call for Proposals: Host an English-Language Course in the UK for Peruvian Young Learners, 2021

The British Council in Peru is looking for a British Council Accredited language course provider in the UK to host a 2 or 3 week general English course for a group of young learners from Peru. Our partner has a preference to locate the group in Brighton, Oxford or Cambridge.

The course should be a combination of classes in the morning and a range of social and cultural activities in the afternoons, with cultural excursions on the weekends. The classes can be in a closed group or integrated with students from multiple countries. The call is open to all institutions who can comply with the requirements set below:

Duration: 2 or 3 weeks

Course Dates: January or February 2021 (TBD)

Group Description:

  • 12 students with different levels of English (B1-B2) wishing to improve their general English skills and explore the UK
  • Age range: 13 – 17  
  • 2 accompanying adults should be included in the quote

Course description:

15 hours a week of general English classes. The proposal must include the following afternoon activities:

  • Attendance to a musical or theatrical play
  • Museums or representative places visit
  • Sports afternoon
  • Colleges visit
  • Vocational talks
  • Socio-cultural activities outside of the language school. 

Action Required

Proposals should be sent to Pia Reategui no later than Friday 06 March 2020 using the submission template enclosed. Subject line: “P07: Proposal – General English for Peruvian Young Learners, 2021”.

Proposals will be assessed according to compliance with the terms of reference above and breakdown of costs/budget. Shortlisted institutions will be contacted by 13 March 2020. Once a winning bid is confirmed we will announce the results through Newswire.