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  • Call for Proposals – CO01: English Teaching Methodology Course in the UK for Colombian school teachers

Call for Proposals – CO01: English Teaching Methodology Course in the UK for Colombian school teachers

The British Council in Colombia is looking for a British Council Accredited language course provider in the UK to provide a 2-week course for a group of 7 public school teachers.

Our partner has a preference to locate the group in London, but other cities will also be considered. The course should be a combination of classes in the morning, classroom practises, a range of social and cultural activities in the afternoons, with cultural excursions on the weekends. The classes could be in a close group or integrated with students from multiple countries.

The call is open to all institutions who can comply with the requirements set below.

  1. Duration: 2 weeks
  1. Course dates: 25 November to 6 December 2019, arriving in the UK on 24 November and departing 8 December 2019.
  1. Group description:
  • Based on a group of 7 Colombian teachers from public schools (middle school and high school), with CEFR B1-B2.
  • Age range: 25+
  • 1 accompanying adult should be included in the quote
  1. Course description:
  • Approx. 21 hours a week, English Teaching Methodology with classroom practice.
  • Open or closed group


Action Required

Proposals should be sent to Pia Reategui (pia.reategui@britishcouncil.org) by no later than Friday, 20 September 2019 using the submission template enclosed. Subject line: “Proposal –English Teaching Methodology for Colombian School Teachers, 2019”. Proposals will be assessed according to compliance with the terms of reference above and breakdown of costs/budget.

Institutions which are not contacted by 4 October 2019, will have not been shortlisted. Once a winning bid is confirmed we will announce the results through Newswire.

Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we are unable to provide feedback on individual proposals.