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British Council Korea ‘UK Creative Arts and Design Virtual Degree Shows’ March 2021: broad market exposure via extensive digital promotion

The British Council is delighted to present the UK Creative Arts and Design Virtual Degree Show Series, a digital promotion campaign targeting South Korea. The campaign will run for a month, from 29 March to 30 April 2021.

The primary objective of this campaign is to raise the interest of prospective students and their influencers in South Korea in studying Creative Arts and Design-related subjects in the UK, and to generate leads.

This new digital campaign will allow UK higher education institutions to stay connected with the Korean market and promote student recruitment for 2021/22 during the Covid-19 pandemic while face-to-face events are not possible.

South Korea is a digital-friendly market with the world’s fastest internet speeds and highest smartphone penetration rate. Digital marketing is crucial to engage with the local target audience and remain relevant in the market.

The campaign comprises a digital showcase of UK Creative Arts and Design Degree Shows, informative Search Engine Optimised (SEO) blog postings about each participating institution and an integrated enquiry form in Korean. We will also provide a direct link to your online messenger (KakaoTalk preferred) in promotional content to the target audience for immediate engagement.

The campaign provides an opportunity to showcase students’ best work to appeal to prospective students. Showing the evidence of what they may achieve if they study at your institution is generally more effective than directly promoting the courses.

Creative Arts & Design has been the most popular subject area among Korean students studying in UK institutions in both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes over the past years. The Creative Arts & Design subjects related sessions from the UK Study & Career Talks webinar campaign delivered by the British Council in December 2020 also showed the highest level of engagement.


  • Profile raising among relevant target audiences

This campaign is expected to reach 500,000 to 700,000+ prospective students, parents, and influencers via various communication channels, including KakaoTalk, Naver, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and British Council career counsellor networks with local art schools and universities.

  • Student recruitment for the 2021-22 academic year and onwards

Prospective students will be encouraged to fill in the integrated enquiry form. Contact details and further information on those who fill in the form will be shared with participating institutions, to allow them to follow up their leads individually. Each institution is expected to have 30 to 100+ leads depending on its profile in Korea.

  • Enhanced return on investment (ROI)

The campaign allows prospective students to directly and immediately engage with UK institutions through their online messenger (KakaoTalk preferred) at any time during the campaign and afterwards. The SEO blog articles are expected to generate new leads in the long term, even after the campaign concludes.

  • Efficient utilisation of your brand assets

The campaign format allows you to utilise existing materials such as students’ work. The campaign will therefore generate maximum impact while requiring minimum effort from participating UK institutions.

  • Support from the British Council’s market experts

Our market experts on the localised digital environment in South Korea will support you in tailoring your marketing messages to most effectively engage with the local audience.


  1. Official Webpage for the UK Creative Arts & Design Virtual Degree Shows

The webpage will be promoted through the communication channels below:

  • British Council Korea’s corporate website, Naver blog, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), e-newsletter, and KakaoTalk messenger
  • Cross-promotion to the in-country database of IELTS exam takers and learners at the British Council’s English Teaching Centres
  • Local careers counsellor network with key international schools and art schools, scholarship agencies
  • Boosting with a targeted ad on Facebook, Instagram, KakaoTalk, YouTube, and online forums for studying abroad
  1. Individual SEO Blog: The British Council will provide academic information about each participating institution on Naver, Korea’s dominating web portal. The blog postings will be interconnected with the Official Webpage for those who seek further information.
  2. Enquiry Form: Prospective students will be encouraged to fill in the integrated enquiry form. Contact details and further information on those who fill in the form will be shared with participating institutions, to allow them to follow up their leads individually.
  3. KakaoTalk Messenger: Links to each participating institution’s online messenger will be provided during the promotion, allowing prospective students to directly communicate with the institutions at one click. KakaoTalk is preferred as over 95% of Korean use it.


Participation fee: 900 GBP

Participating institutions will receive the following support from the British Council:

  • Preparation and management of the digital showcase
  • Promotional content review for each institution
  • Translation, localisation and development of promotional content
  • Digital promotion across multiple channels
  • Real-time monitoring and follow-up and post-event report




Recruitment opens

Jan 2021

Planning and Preparation

- Provide guidelines for promotional materials

- UK institutions to provide promotional materials

Feb 2021

Content Development and Ad Setup

Mar 2021

Content Publication and Ad Running (1 month)

29 Mar – 2 May 2021

Post-event Report

31 May 2021


Cancellation fees will be charged for withdrawal from this campaign, as of the date of receipt of notice of withdrawal:

  • At 50 percent of the full exhibition cost for withdrawals received on or after Sunday, 31 January 2021
  • At 100 percent of the full exhibition cost for withdrawals received on or after Sunday, 7 February 2021

NB: Notice of withdrawal must be supplied in writing, via email to sunhyun.eom@britishcouncil.org


Please send a completed application form to Heather Eom at sunhyun.eom@britishcouncil.org by Sunday, 31 January 2021.


Heather Eom

Education Services Manager, International Education Services, Korea