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An Economist Intelligence Unit report produced for the British Council on Skills needed: Addressing South Asia’s deficit of technical and soft skills

"The radical redevelopment of TVET around the region would significantly help to address many of these (skills gap)...
South Asia
Visa seminar for local agents in Bangladesh.

Visa seminar for local agents in Bangladesh.

A visa seminar for local agents was organised by the British Council in Bangladesh on 5 May 2015.
South Asia
Online Group Counselling by the University of Lincoln over Skype

Online Group Counselling by the University of Lincoln over Skype

SIEM Bangladesh recently organised an Online Group Counselling Session over Skype for the University of Lincoln at the...
South Asia

Country Brief Ghana and Russia are now available

Country Brief Ghana and Russia in the 2015 series, are now available at the Education Intelligence online store for...
Middle East & Africa, Central Asia, United Kingdom

Report on Webinar: The emerging market of Bangladesh

SIEM Bangladesh recently organised an hour long webinar on understanding the emerging opportunities in the Bangladesh...
South Asia

Education UK Kuwait Allied Health Sciences Study Tour March 2015 - Post Event Report

In March 2015, British Council Kuwait held the Allied Health Study Tour at the Sheraton Four Points in Kuwait City.
Middle East & Africa

Country Brief Brazil is now available

Country Brief Brazil in the 2015 series, is now available at the Education Intelligence online store for purchase and...
Americas, United Kingdom

Education UK Jordan Schools Tour and Mini Fair March 2015 - Post Event Report

British Council Jordan recently held a schools road show and mini fair in March 2015.
Middle East & Africa

Education UK Botswana Exhibition March 2015 - Post Event Report

British Council Botswana recently held their Education UK exhibition in March 2015 at the Gaborone Sun International...
Middle East & Africa

Education UK Exhibition and Roadshow Qatar March 2015 - Post Event Report

British Council Qatar held their Study in the UK Exhibition was on the 16th – 17th March 2015.
Middle East & Africa
