
The latest education market news from our UK and local country staff and from selected external sources, focusing on issues affecting UK education, from changes to higher education policy and student visa procedures, to competitor analysis and media coverage.

Country's rich sending children abroad

The Chinese super rich are banking on foreign education for their teenage children as an investment. Going overseas for...
East Asia

UAE tops regional education list, Unesco study shows

The UAE tops a list of Arab countries regarding the ratio of inbound versus outbound students, says the Unesco...
Middle East & Africa

Easy to study abroad and get a job in Russia for Chinese students

There are about 25,000 Chinese students studying in Russia at present. According to the China-Russia Cultural Exchange...
East Asia

A university in Southern Thailand striving to become an education hub in ASEAN

Prince of Songkla University has received a budget of about 190 million baht in the 2014 fiscal year to carry out six...
East Asia

Approved UAE distant learning universities

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has approved the list of e-learning universities to ensure the...
Middle East & Africa

Cross-border school rush stokes Hong Kong-China tensions

One recent winter dawn, more than 100 mainland Chinese parents started lining up outside a primary school in Hong Kong...
East Asia

Polytechnics Malaysia programmes recognised by the Canadian Technology Accreditation Board

Seven programmes, including Diploma in Civil Engineering, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Diploma in Electrical...
East Asia

Ministry of Education launched the International Cooperation Joint Laboratory Programme

According to the Programme, a group of international cooperation joint laboratories will be integrated, upgraded and...
East Asia

Burma New Education Minister appointed

The President’s Office of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, announced today that Dr Khin Sann Yi has been appointed...
East Asia

The University of Nottingham Ningbo China to enrol 50 students through independent scheme

The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) announced its independent enrolment scheme for 2014 on 11 February. An...
East Asia
