UK-Ready, Set, Go! Pre-departure sessions in India

SIEM India team held Pre-Departure Briefings across 8 cities to prepare students for an exciting student life in the UK.

The briefings were held in the cities of Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune and Ahmedabad in the month of July.
Cox and Kings was the on ground sponsors, where they presented their forex offers to the students and distributed brochures. There were almost 400 students and parents attending the briefings , the attendance was almost 60% less as compared to the last years pre-departure sessions.

Preparing for the journey and travel, including dealing with immigration, securing finances, sorting out accommodation and meals as well as completing medical formalities were some of the themes on which students were advised through multimedia presentations and videos. These sessions were interactive and students and parents were eager with questions and we did our best to answer these questions. Students were further briefed on what to expect from their professors and coursework (plagiarism is a strict no-no!) and on student life in the UK in general.

The most popular session at the briefings was undoubtedly the 'Student Visa seminar', which students found extremely useful as they asked one-on-one questions to the 'Visa officer' present from the regional UK visa and immigration offices. Finally, the alumni session was an easy going and fun session with which we ended the briefing. Students chatted with alumni on everything from Library regulations and personal safety on roads to grocery shopping, eating out and even laundry expenses!

Some interesting facts: from analysis of feedback forms from students who attended the pre-departure sessions:
1) 78% students at the Mumbai pre-departure session would be funding their own studies while 33% had applied for bank loans and 20% had applied for scholarships. While in Delhi, 66% students mentioned that they would fund their studies while 39% had applied for a bank loan.

2) 82% students in Delhi, 78% in Mumbai and 50% students in Ahmedabad that attended the pre-departure session mentioned that 'internet' was as their main source of information towards their decision making of studying in the UK.

3) 'Selection of Institution' was advocated as the prime decision making marker by more than 70% students attending the pre-departure session across all cities

4) More than 60% students across all cities 'Agreed' that the event 'met their expectations'.