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UK Masters Fair at L’Etudiant Masters Fair - France January 2017 - Post Event Report

British Council France held their annual UK Masters Fair at L’Etudiant Masters fair in Paris in January 2017.

The exhibition was organised as part of the 27th edition of the L’Etudiant Masters & MBA fair and as such the marketing campaign for the UK exhibition was integrated into the wider L’Etudiant campaign. This fair was organised under the sponsorship of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research. The publicity campaign involved extensive press, radio and on-line advertising, a poster campaign in the Paris metro, distribution of magazines in all Parisian higher education institutions as well as interviews in the press. L’Etudiant is part of a large media group. Education UK flyers and posters were distributed in all British Council teaching premises in Paris.

An evening event was held the evening after the first day of the fair at the British Council. This market briefing session included guest speakers from the Conference des Grandes Ecoles and the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research was followed by drinks.

The exhibition hosted 15 UK Institutions, and whilst visitor numbers are yet to be confirmed by L’Etudiant, they were reported as being sizeable.

During the exhibition, handouts on IELTS, UCAS and the UK education system were made available on our British Council stand.