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UK graduates felicitated at the Education UK Alumni Awards India - 2016

The British Council hosted the Education UK Alumni Awards 2016 on March 19 in New Delhi to honour outstanding success in Entrepreneurship, Professional Achievement, and Social Impact by Indians who have graduated from UK higher education institutions. The second edition of Education UK Alumni Awards were launched by the British Council in August 2015 for UK alumni from India who have come back after completing their higher education in the UK, and graduated within the last ten years.  The awards were attended by leaders from government, industry and education, as well as other outstanding UK alumni. The guests of honour were Lord Jeffrey Mountevans, Lord Mayor of City of London, and Baroness Amos, Director of the School of Oriental and African Studies. A total of 9 finalists were selected across the three categories out of which only 3 were facilitated with an award.

Lord Mayor and Baroness Amos presented the award for the Entrepreneurship category to Ankit Mehrotra who graduated from University of Essex and founded Dineout, a premier table reservation service in India; for the Professional Achievement category the award went to Nishad Chaughule who had studied at Leeds Beckett University and had made a name for himself as a filmmaker and student Academy award winner; the Social Impact award was won by Ria Sharma, an alumnus of Leeds College of Art for her initiative Make Love Not Scars, an organisation that has helped over 60 survivors of acid attacks medically, legally and financially.

The British Council will support the award recipients with professional development opportunities that will build their professional capacities, skills and networks as well as become a part of a new international UK Alumni Award Network which will help raise their international profile, expand their networks, and enhance their careers. The winners were delighted to receive their awards as they are assured this recognition will help them in in further developing and achieving success in their career path.

The first-ever Education UK Alumni Awards were launched by the British Council in September 2014 for UK alumni from India, mainland China and the USA. In 2016, the Education UK Alumni Awards were held in 10 countries Brazil, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United States. Over 830 applications were shortlisted for 30 awards, out of which over 220 applications were from India, the highest amongst the 10 countries taking part in this global initiative.

The winner of the Entrepreneurial Award, Ankit Mehrotra, founder of Dineout, said, “This award is a testimony to the encouragement and guidance that students like me have received while studying in the UK.  It helped me not only to widen my horizons but also provided me the global exposure to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams. I am truly grateful for this honour and hope to continue contributing to the entrepreneurial landscape of the country.”

Ria Sharma, receiver of the Social Impact Award said, “To be able to make a worthwhile contribution to the field of social services, students need to be nurtured as global citizens so that they are sensitive to the needs of a multi-cultural society. My experience of studying in the UK has helped me imbibe the vision and strategic forethought required to drive a social enterprise and I am truly grateful for this recognition.” 

Nishad Chaughule recipient of the Professional Achievement Award said, “I am delighted to be recognised by the British Council for my work. My education in the UK has given me the global experience that is unparalleled in today’s professional environment. My message to youngsters would be that if you have a proper guidance and the sheer will to work hard, nothing can stop you from succeeding in your career. I am proud to be a UK Alumni and hope to continue making significant contributions to my field. Additionally, UK education gave me an opportunity to be in a cosmopolitan environment, which enabled me to become a better storyteller but most importantly a better and open-minded individual.”

The guest of honour for the evening Lord Mayor of the City of London – Lord Jeffrey Mountevans said “I am delighted to present the Education UK alumni Awards 2016 to some truly outstanding alumni. Education is a pillar of the strong bilateral relationship that the UK and India already enjoy, and it is also key to Prime Minister Modi’s ambitious vision of a knowledge-based Indian economy based on innovation, skills and qualifications. The UK can offer Indian students a world-class education at our internationally-renowned universities. We stand ready to partner with our friends and colleagues in India across the spectrum of education, research and innovation.”

The British Council will be opening the nominations for next year’s Awards in August 2016.

For further queries regarding the Education UK Alumni Awards in India kindly contact Arushi Gupta, Manager – GREAT Education Campaign,

Email: arushi.gupta@in.britishcouncil.org; Contact Number: +91 44 42050713