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Study UK Spring Exhibition Japan - March 2019 (Post Exhibition Report)

The Study UK Spring Exhibition 2019 held in Tokyo on 25th March was attended by 408 visitors, 28 institutions (including boarding schools, universities, colleges and language schools), two government scholarship organisations (JASSO and Tobitate! Ryugaku Japan) and three sponsors (British Airways, IELTS, Tip Japan). Participating institutions were pleased with the number and high quality of enquiries received with many noting strong interest for boarding school, foundation programmes, and undergraduate degrees.

The seminar programme included sessions on UK boarding school education, English language, undergraduate and postgraduate study, as well as information on scholarships, the IELTS exam, visa applications, and a panel discussion with Japanese alumni of UK institutions. All seminars were well attended and well-received by visitors.   

British Council Japan undertook a review of the Exhibition to identify what worked well and the key ‘lessons learnt’ in order to inform future activities. With feedback from exhibitors and visitors, together with input from British Council col­leagues, this post-event report presents the results of that review.