Study UK India Virtual Mini Fair: August 2020 - Market briefing

The British Council hosted a pre-event All India Briefing for the Study UK India Virtual Mini Fair India on 07 August. The briefing was attended by over 45 guests from 26 UK institutions. The Virtual Fair was held on 8 August 2020 and saw over 1700 students and parents attending and over 3500 registrations.

The event included a welcome note by Barbara Wickham (OBE, Director India British Council) and a market briefing by Janaka Pushpanathan (Director, South India, British Council). Janaka gave an economic overview of the Higher Education landscape in India, with a focus on changing consumption patterns of India, new national education policy, student mobility trends and finally a Covid- 19 update among other topics.

For more details, please see the presentation attached.

AIB Virtual Fair Aug 2020.pdf755.74 KB