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Study UK Ghana Partnership Forum and Mini-fair July 2017 - Post Event Report

British Council Ghana held their Study UK Partnership Forum and Mini-fair in July 2017.

The event hosted representatives from 17 UK universities and representatives from 22 Ghanaian universities and government agencies (listed below in the Exhibitors’ feedback section) who participated in the partnership forum. The “Mini Fair” hosted these 17 UK university representatives who engaged with prospective students, professionals and parents in Accra, providing the audience with information on the studying opportunities in the UK (Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes, admissions, funding, etc.).

The partnership forum had in attendance the Director at the Tertiary section of the Ministry of Education, Ghana who represented the Minister of State in charge of Tertiary Education, the Programme Manager at the ministry of Business Development who also represented the Minister and the Executive Secretary of the National Accreditation Board.

The mini fair which started in the evening attracted over 300 visitors thanks to the marketing campaign. Alongside the fair, series of presentations were also delivered by Alumni of UK universities on how studying in the UK has impacted their entrepreneurial journey and an officer from the Scholarships team at the British Council provided information on how to apply for a Commonwealth and Chevening scholarship.

At British Council we highly appreciate your support, and hope that we can continue to provide valuable marketing services in terms of both our exhibitions and also our range of other targeted activities during the year. We hope to see you again at our second mini exhibition: Study UK International Schools Tour and PG Fair in Accra scheduled for September 2017.