Study UK Exhibition Canada March 2017 - REPORT

The purpose of this report is to provide you with a summary of the events, including visitor and exhibitor feedback as well as other useful information. We trust that this report will enable you to report return on investment and assist with future decision making.

The events “Study in the UK - Information Sessions”, hosted representatives from 15 UK institutions (listed below in the Exhibitors’ Feedback section), who engaged with prospective students, professionals, parents and student counsellors from private and public high schools in Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto, providing the audience with information on the Studying opportunities in the UK (Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes, admissions, funding, etc.)

The events helped to build brand awareness of the Study UK and the UK universities who took part in the events, thanks in part to the direct marketing and social media campaign (details listed below in the Marketing section). Alongside the main events, a series of presentations were delivered by the Law Society of British Columbia and British Columbia Dental Association, who provided information on how to practice law or dentistry in British Columbia with a UK degree.

At British Council we highly appreciate your support, and hope that we can continue to provide valuable marketing services in terms of both our exhibitions and also our range of other targeted activities during the year. We hope to see you again at our second Creative Industries Series event: Ottawa International Animation Festival (OAIF) in Ottawa, ON, and our Study in the UK Information Sessions scheduled for autumn 2017.