Spain October 2014 (Madrid and Barcelona) - Post Event Report

This is the third Education UK Fair organised by British Council Spain. The number of Spanish students willing to study abroad is growing fast and the UK is certainly an attractive market. To our knowledge, this is the only Spanish HE Fair that showcases only one country and we are delighted with its increasing popularity and success. Our aim is that the British Education Fair becomes an annual expectation for exhibitors and public alike, and we believe that this is now starting to happen.

Feedback from exhibitors, schools and the public alike has been positive, with some small areas suggested for improvement. 94% of exhibitors thought the fairs (Madrid and Barcelona) had good numbers and quality visitors. 89% of the exhibitors expressed BC support was excellent or good. The length of the fair felt right for most exhibitors, although some expressed in their comments that a longer time span might be necessary for Madrid.