School Mission at Dhaka & Chittagong in April 2014.

School Mission took place in 8 local institutions in two cities of Bangladesh, Dhaka and Chittagong. Among the local institutions 4 were English Medium Schools (tuition provider for O/A level qualifications) and 4 were private universities. We have chosen 2 Schools and 2 Universities from each city.

Sunday 20 April 2014, the event took place in Dhaka in International Turkish Hope School and in BRAC University

Monday 21 April 2014, the event took place in Dhaka in Hurdco International School and in American International University – Bangladesh.

Wednesday 23 April 2014, the event took place in Chittagong in Sunshine Grammar School and College & East Delta University (EDU).

Thursday 24 April 2014, the event took place in Chittagong in Chittagong Grammar School and in Asian University for Women.

This year six UK Universities had taken part in the School Mission. The delegates from the UK universities provided information on studying in UK, opportunities available in their respective institute and did direct counselling to interested students. Following universities took part in the event:

• BPP University
• Coventry University
• Middlesex University
• University of Bradford
• University of Southampton
• University of South Wales

Total visitors in 8 local institutes were 1265. Of them 836 were Male and 429 were Female.

About the event Shool Mission.pdf1.15 MB